A neighbourhood home bar in Leeds city centre

Lucky Dip Cocktail Drop

Lucky Dip Cocktail Drop


Fancy a surprise cocktail drop to your doorstep?

Grab yourself one of these and we will send you a random pick. It could be a sneak peak cocktail on one of our up coming menus, one of our popular signatures or a twisted classic.
If you like variation and the element of surprise, this is the option for you.

- There is a chance you may receive a bottle for two instead of 2 separate cocktails but you will never get the same cocktail more than twice in the same package.

- We will never push controversial or acquired taste drinks into these surprise drops. If you are not satisfied with the cocktail you have received, give us a message directly and we will happily replace with a different cocktail that suits your taste. However, if you know you are a little picky with flavours or have certain allergies, have a look at the rest of our shop to see if there is anything you would rather pick instead.


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